Monday, October 27, 2008

Conversations with my 2 year old

Addie is cracking us up with her funny little personality! I have yet to meet a 2 year old with as many expressions as Miss Addie. I wanted to write down some of our funny conversations so that when she is 16 I can remember how cute she once was!
She is going to be Nemo for Halloween. Her costume consists of a Nemo onesie thing and to add a little sass to it, I put black tights on her with her black ugg boots over the tights. So the other day I was getting ready to go out and was putting on my black tights and a dress. She looks me up and down and says "You going to be Nemo Mom?"

The very next day I was getting dressed and put my bra on. She says "You putting your boobies on?" Sad to say Addie.. yes I now have to put my boobies on!

At the bank..
Addie: Mom I am going to work at the bank when I get big.
Me: Why Addie?
Addie: hum.. To buy shoes!
Me: shoes? That's all?
Addie: And suckers... to eat suckers!

Getting her chest Xray..
Me: They are going to take pictures of your heart

Anyway, Those are just some of the funny things from last week! Unfortunately she is not always this cute, but I try to remember these times when she is driving me crazy asking for one more piece of candy, or not wanting to go to bed, or pulling out her pigtails! :)


Kali said...

It's a good thing they are cute once in a while so we want to keep them around! :) hee hee

Jessica said...

Priceless conversations! I love having a blog to record the funny things my kids say. I am blown away by the things they understand and say sometimes. I hope you don't mind, I put a link to your blog on mine.