Saturday, October 11, 2008

A year ago...

One year ago I was in the hospital staring at my beautiful new baby boy. A year and a week ago however I think I was crying in Dr. Nilson's office because I didn't think that boy was ever going to come out! The doctor assured me that no baby stays there forever, but Easton sure seemed pretty comfortable in my belly! I have since realized that they are easier to care for while they are still in the belly! This year has gone by so fast! I really can't believe he is one! We had a birthday party for him during our trip back to Utah to visit Carson's family, and we are having another one tomorrow. (Pictures to come) He was really not too into his presents or his cake. Honestly I think everyone staring at him kinds freaked him out a little!
I never thought I wanted or could handle a boy, but having my little mama's boy has proved me wrong. Don't missunderstand.. whileI love love love Addie, she is certainly more into her Dad than she is me! And Easton is all mine! (Hopefully somewhere down the road this changes because we know what a prissy girl I am!) But for now, I am so perfectly happy with my sweet mama loving baby boy! It will be when he starts peeing outside that I won't know what to do with him!
Speaking of pee..Sorry, but Addie is driving me crazy with the potty training! I decided to not ask her a milion times a day if she needs to go, so now she just goes wherever whenever! Like today.. all over the kitchen floor while standing there saying "mommy..." And then Carson decided she is adult enough to take a nap in underwear. Next time he gets to clean the poop out of the princess panties! Anyway, not to get off subject!
There is so much more to write, but I will have to finish later. Tomorrow is Sunday, and we have a hard time being early to church. (We are always on time, but I like to get there early. Maybe to get a good seat? Not sure why it matters, I spend the morning in the hallway anyway!)


Shana said...

HAHAHAHA!!! I loved the potty training comments. So been there! We still put a pull up in Alyssa at night for that same reason.
I'm the one that has to clean it all up the next morning.
We are getting ready to get rid of the pull ups at night soon though, she has been getting up at night and going potty and waking up dry every morning. WOW! I thought that would never happen!
Keep it up- it will for you too. :)

Happy Birthday Easton! I can't believe it has been a year either.

Kali said...

You're funny! I'm not looking forward to potty training..AHH! I can't believe Easton is already ONE! Happy Birthday little man!